Saturday, 25 April 2009

Anti-Estrogenic Diet.

Firstly I need to report that I have been struck down by a virus of some kind which has made me very tired and sleeping for 4 hours in the afternoon. This has been around for the past week or so but has come on strong in the past couple of days before I started the diet.

I therefore am going to continue on the AE diet but withold from updating the symtoms until this has passes.

I notice that I have been slightly more "regular" 24 hours after starting the diet. Apparently this can be quite a common reaction as your body begins to detox itself!

Speak soon,



  1. get well soon and enjoy the bit of sunshine we seem to have at the moment!

  2. I hope you're feeling better, Andy.

  3. Hi guys, thank you and I am getting there!!! Not been too much to blog at the moment as Im just relaxing!
